Our first guests & new youtube-clips

Yesterday after practice we had our first guests in our apartment. It was kind of spontanious since we have too much food that has to be eaten before we leave on friday for more than 2 weeks!!! We had tacos, and it was not even my idea! They love it too : )

After dinner vi started watching clips on youtube, and I saw some new funny ones I didn´t know before. I would like to share some of the bests with you here...

Nr.1. I find this one really good, Daft Punks song danced by two girls but look at how creative they are!
There´s also a male version of it and millions of others that tried to do the same, but this one is the original!

Nr.2. Is both funny and not, I feel a bit sorry for the little boy but you have to decide it yourself...

Nr.3. This is about a model who falls twice on the runway and the news ancors can´t stop laughing at her while telling the news...

Nr.4. This one is just so embarrassing... South Carolina´s Miss Teen 2007 has to answer on the question why a lot of the US Americans can´t put the US on the map. Her answer? Well, just listen...

That´s it for now, before I get stuck on youtube I´d better do something more beneficial of my day! Ciao!


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