Ölfestival pá Buda Slott - gárdagens After Work

2011-08-26 @ 15:57:16
Gárdagens "after work"-aktivitet för min del var att besöka Ungerns första Ölfestival. Har sett fram emot det eftersom det gjordes reklam med att man kan prova pá 100 olika ölsorter.

Bland annat kunde man smaka pá körsbársöl, bananöl, pumpaöl eller hirsöl. Dá menas det inte öl med bananjuice som man gör i Tyskland. Utan öl ár tillverkat av dessa ingredienser! Klart vi provade! Körsbársölen var inte bara váldigt pinkfárgat utan áven favoriten. Det fanns i ungersk och belgisk tillverkning.

En annan favorit var en belgisk ölsort som var kálsvart och smakade nástan precis som Lákerol Salmiak, min favorit! Mums yam yam!

Men ni máste förstá en sak: det var inte sá enkelt att fá i sig alla dessa öl. Och dá menar jag inte att det var svárt att dricka, för det har jag inga problem med. Nej nej. Det vet ni ju. Rent organisatoriskt kan det hánda att man gör alldeles för bra marknadsföring av en hándelse som sedan inte pallar med folket som dras dit. Dárför kunde följande nástan-katastrof intráffa:

Min agenda ság ut som följande:

Jobba 10-18.30. Dá det ár 38 grader varmt i skugga dricker vi vatten som bara den hela dagen láng.
18.00 - Jag dricker min sista vatten för att bli tillráckligt törstig inför kvállens Öleri.
19.45 - Vi tráffas med kompisar för att ta bussen till festivalen. Jag ár sá törstig som det bara gár.
20.00 - Vi lámnar den fullpackade busslasten och promenerar 5 minuter till ingángen.
Och: vi ser den oándliga kön som slingrar sig för att köpa biljetter!
20.45 - Vi kan ántligen köpa vár biljett.
20.55 - Sáklart kunde man inte betala med kort sá vi fick byta kassa, och den 15-áriga pojken som drog kortet visste inte hur man anvánder den sá vi fick vánta en massa till. Men vad ár 10 minuter nár vi redan státt i kö 45?
21.00 - Ántligen inne! Nu vill jag bara fá i mig första ölen, spelar ingen roll hur egsotisk.
21.15 - Efter en runda pá omrádet inser vi: det rácker inte att vara inne, man máste köpa ett eget ölglas som man sedan fyller pá hela kvállen.
Vi kollar runt och blodcirkulationen stannar: det ár kö överallt för ölglasen!!!
22.00 - Nu har vi fátt vára ölglas, nu ár det bara att stálla sig i kö för att ta en öl...
22.15 - Det ár bara tvá personer kvar framför oss i kön, ett par som stod bakom oss i kön för ölglasen och som var lika irriterade som oss för att det ska vara sá komplicerat att ta en öl pá en ölfestival. De bestáller. Men: bartendern kommer just dá pá att han ska fylla pá med is, en 10 kg-s last kommer och han börjar packa in i frysen. Jaja, vad kan det komma mer?
22.20 - Paret bestáller och betalar efter lite strul, de lámnar. Bartendern tar vár bestállning medan han irriterat skriker till sin kollega att det irriterade paret gav honom 5 kronor mindre án de skulle, va fan!

Jag tánker efter: jag har lángtat efter en skön after work med olika ölsorter, vilken lyx! Istállet har det gátt tvá timmar, fortfarande ingen öl, bara massa irriterade arga mánniskor. Ár det sá det ska vara? Jag börjar leta i min plánbok och bestámmer mig för att avsluta min del av den onda cirkeln. Jag fár min öl och alla mina problem försvinner. Jag ger mannen 5 kronor extra, vi tar ölen och sátter oss (eller inte eftersom det inte finns plats nánstans). Det ár bara att bestámma sig, vill jag vara arg eller vill jag vara glad. Det ár bara jag som bestámmer. Sjálvklart váljer jag det senare.

24.00 - Folk börjar gá hem och vi hittar nágra sköna platser i gráset. Njuter av körsbárs- och lakritsölen. Temperaturen ár ungefár 28 grader. Báttre kan det inte bli!
02.00 - Efter att ha dansat lite pá ungerska poplátar tar vi oss hemát med nattbussen.
03.00 - Jag försöker somna i mitt rum som har 45 grader varmt. Inte látt!
08.30 - Dags för att vakna och gá till jobbet!

En trött dag som man bara vill överleva, men hela besváret var det várt, för de timmarna som vi verkligen njöt ár ovárderliga!


2009-08-09 @ 13:32:51
Live is full of difficult and sometimes easier decisions to make. It comes in periods, sometimes everything is just an easy flow of happenings and you just ride along with it. But sometimes, such as this period of my life, is really tough and life-determinating decisions are about to be made. Prioritations have to be set up and thought about.

Some days I am sure of choosing one certain thing, but the next day I am as sure about the other thing. To choose between many important things is really hard, especially if you see at it like following: you know for sure that you are about to loose one of them. Which one do I want to loose? Which part of my life do I want to offer and burn? If I could see it positively, I would think of it like it doesn't matter what I choose, for sure I will win something. But but but, this is not completely true. You never know how long something lasts, and if you choose to loose one part, you might loose the other one as well just a bit later.

I am just really confused right now. I have never been in a situation like this before. Well, I almost have, but I don't even want to think back on that and compare.

But I feel safe in a sick way. The thing that gives me security is that everything happens for a reason. I can't make bad decisions. Because if they turn out to be bad later on, that will take me to new parts of life, new experiences. So it wasn't bad in the end. Therefore, I shouldn't really be worried about my decisions. Never ever have I regretted any of my decisions in life. And I never will. Amen.

Pissed off - everything´s gonna be alright

2009-07-30 @ 13:59:42
I have been home in Budapest for around 5 weeks now. Before, I was in Sweden 5 weeks. And before... 9 months in Dachau. A time to forget. Like this day today. I am so pissed off... I have plans in my life and I am pretty used to manage those plans. Don´t think I will give up this time either! Never! But I had to experience a very hard personal disappointment today. It is all my fault. It´s too late to apologize now, that I realize. I wish I could turn back time, because this mistake I made was so cheap and unnecessary! Not like the consequenses that are expensive and sadly neccessary. How could I just do something stupid like this?

Well, I wasn´t in the best situation to pass anyways, that I have to tell. Sleeping 5 hours a day since a couple of days, not really studying on the theoretical part of the test, not feeling sure about the driving part... and the biggest mistake of all: not believing in myself! Don´t you ever do that to yourself! I will work on it as well, I promise!

I think you might just have realized what I am talking about. If not, here it is; my big fat f**ing failure of the day. The first part of the driving test to get the driving licence, the "Routine exam". Everything started optimally. My teacher told us we get a nice guy that will examine us, he won´t try to make us fail. Puh. That´s luck. I managed the parts I thought were the hardest: checking the car before driving away, and all the obligatory drills. Then there was one more drill that I had to make. My second favourite!!! Yes yes yes, I was really happy. It felt like I had it! But not in a too confident way, just in a realistic one. So I am doing this last drill, the one I have never failed during the driving lessons. Then suddenly I get too close to the edge and have to make a correction with the car. That is allowed. But since I never had to do that before, I did it wrong. I only had to go half a meter more to manage the whole exam, when the car went too close again. This is it. It was over. The teacher took over the driving, back to the depressing parcing space to discuss how much money and time I just lost because of a shitty little thing.

I am really pissed off...

Last weekend with Emi and Horst

2009-04-27 @ 14:02:40
This sunday my aunt and uncle visited me in Dachau - maybe for the last time?! We will see : )

We enjoyed the nice weather, took a walk, had an ice-cream & Latte Macchiato. Afterwards, we felt us like Topmodels, and started to take some pictures. Here are the results:

Horst, Judy and Emi       Judy & Emi with coffee    Horst, the purse-holder




This is my last week here in Dachau, before the season ends. The future is open yet. I will visit Sweden for 5 weeks, before I will visit Austria and Hungary! So, the busy life begins soon!


2009-04-21 @ 00:55:33
Check out what a great photo our best of the best photograph, Charles, made after the game against Aachen, during celebrating the victory. Klick here to see it!


2009-04-20 @ 11:50:33

The best weekend with a great victory

2009-04-19 @ 18:55:48
I am so happy! We played our last home game yesterday, and we won! I had a lot of friends and family members there to see me (even on the other side of the court), and I felt like being home - where ever I can say that home is! It was just nice, free and wonderful.

There was a big party, thanking the fans and helpers for the season, great food, a lot of beer (as usual), running with the Hungarian flag, writing tons of autograms... what a perfect ending!

I will upload some pictures from this evening, this meant really a lot to me! I felt like I am so lucky to have all these people around me. It´s a great feeling!

: )))

Barcelona trip 2006

2009-04-15 @ 00:46:10
You like it? ; )

Trying a new colour...

2009-04-13 @ 02:12:06
Before (in February)    After (Today)

Now I just need a tan... I need it really bad!

Harder, better, faster, stronger

2009-04-09 @ 02:06:32
The title isn´t only the title of a song from Daft Punk (which I like a lot). It is also a symbol for my life this season.

HARDER I had to get A LOT harder this season, because a lot of things were very hard to get through. A lot of things!

BETTER I hope things are getting better in the future. I am the kind of person who always believes that things are getting better... sometimes I wonder why? It´s just like that, and I am glad I have this character!

FASTER Well, to be honest, I wish time would go by faster. Much faster! Especially the Easter Holiday. Everyone is going home to meet family and friends. I am stuck here alone, without knowing anybody! How sad... 2,5 days just sitting in my room, waiting for the time to go by... or I can do stuff, yes, but how much fun is that doing it alone? I can tell you: not a lot of fun!

STRONGER This word is the best of all the words. My favourite! Because it symbolises everything I am after this season. I am much-much stronger, standing out all the stuff I have to go through!

Now that I explained all the words, I think I´d just better go back to the Kanye West version of the song from Daft Punk at last... because the lyrics has a really matching part which describes my season perfectly:

"That don´t kill me, can only make me stronger".


The summer has come - then is Dachau nice

2009-04-08 @ 00:03:31
On monday the sun was shining so much, that I decided to take a walk. I happened to find a whole new place along the river, in the wood, and then I saw new houses and places. At the end I ended up in the old town of Dachau. For 1,5 hours I enjoyed freedom, sun and my music! On the way I took some pictures, which I would like to present here.


Here are some pictures from the old town of Dachau:


The best ice-cream is sold here, EIS VENEZIA - anyone wants to join me?


I hope to take more of these nice walks in the near future... : )))

Funny problems on vacations

2009-04-07 @ 02:13:46
People are sometimes so funny... and sometimes even funnier! Or should I call it stupid? No... everyone can decide themselves what they think about this.

On the following list you can read about "20 ridiculous complaints made by holidaymakers". It´s sooo funny!

Here are the top 20. My favourites are 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 14 and 20! Which is yours?

1. A tourist at a top African game lodge overlooking a waterhole, who spotted a visibly aroused elephant, complained that the sight of this rampant beast ruined his honeymoon by making him feel "inadequate".

2. A woman threatened to call police after claiming that she'd been locked in by staff. When in fact, she had mistaken the "do not disturb" sign on the back of the door as a warning to remain in the room.

3. "The beach was too sandy."

4. A guest at a Novotel in Australia complained his soup was too thick and strong. He was inadvertently slurping the gravy at the time.

5. "Topless sunbathing on the beach should be banned. The holiday was ruined as my husband spent all day looking at other women."

6. "We bought 'Ray-Ban' sunglasses for five euros (£3.50) from a street trader, only to find out they were fake."

7. "No-one told us there would be fish in the sea. The children were startled."

8. "It took us nine hours to fly home from Jamaica to England it only took the Americans three hours to get home."

9. "My fiancé and I booked a twin-bedded room but we were placed in a double-bedded room. We now hold you responsible for the fact that I find myself pregnant. This would not have happened if you had put us in the room that we booked."

10. "I compared the size of our one-bedroom apartment to our friends' three-bedroom apartment and ours was significantly smaller."

11. "The brochure stated: 'No hairdressers at the accommodation'. We're trainee hairdressers - will we be OK staying here?"

12. "There are too many Spanish people. The receptionist speaks Spanish. The food is Spanish. Too many foreigners."

13. "We found the sand was not like the sand in the brochure. Your brochure shows the sand as yellow but it was white."

14. "We had to queue outside with no air conditioning."

15. "It is your duty as a tour operator to advise us of noisy or unruly guests before we travel."

16. "I was bitten by a mosquito - no-one said they could bite."

17. "I think it should be explained in the brochure that the local store does not sell proper biscuits like custard creams or ginger nuts."

18. "It's lazy of the local shopkeepers to close in the afternoons. I often needed to buy things during 'siesta' time - this should be banned."

19. "On my holiday to Goa in India, I was disgusted to find that almost every restaurant served curry. I don't like spicy food at all."

20. "We booked an excursion to a water park but no-one told us we had to bring our swimming costumes and towels."

Here is the homepage where you can find all these complaints listed: www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/picturegalleries/5005019/20-ridiculous-complaints-made-by-holidaymakers.html

Good news

2009-04-03 @ 13:58:30
April has come, and I just got some really nice news. I am going to Örebro, Sweden for a month! I am going to work with my future dream job, and now I will practice it for a month! It´s just perfect, and I´m so glad! I get to meet all my friends, the city, the country... perfect!

Before that I will be at home for like 3 days, not for so long but after Sweden I will be at home for a longer period. It´s really going well for our team right now, and we have the chance to climb on the championship stage... it would be the perfect ending of this season!

Coffee time!

The view from my hotel room in Sonthofen

2009-03-31 @ 02:15:59
I have a new hobby: I love taking pictures, and now I started learning how to make them look nicer on the computer, and also how to make panorama pictures. This is the first time I tried it last Saturday when we stayed at the Allgäu Stern Hotel in Sonthofen before our home game. This is the result:

What do you think? Not too bad for a starter?! ; )

I´ll try to update more often now...

End of the first month of this wonderful year!

2009-01-30 @ 12:35:32
I have been in the new apartment for 2-3 weeks now, it´s pretty fine. Small but cosy. I like it. Closer to everything; such as the non-existing city-centre!!! Hahaha, what a big city and what a big centre to it. Not! But at least just 5 minutes walk to the main train station (like there were a lot of others too...).

Today we have a game against Schwerin in our home gym in Sonthofen. Then we stay there in a hotel over night and saturday night we will visit a Casino. Of course not because I am an addicted player, but because... I don´t really know why; something with sponsors I think. We have to dress upp nicely! Wow, I don´t even know when that happened the last time... it was not yesterday for sure! (as we say in Swedish). But actually it was yesterday, because I was trying on clothes to see which fits the best for the occasion! I know I know, that doesn´t count.

I am eating a really nice and freshly baked Laugenzöpferl, but oh no! I just realized, it´s almost eaten up! Nooo I don´t want it to be gone, I just want more, and more, and more from it! With tones of butter of course, and fresh coffee mmm. Yes that´s right, that´s how I prepare for important games : P The only thing that keeps me alive and gives me hope, is that we get a similar bread at the gym before the game. Yummie!

Yesterday I saw a movie called Bride Wars. Aliens fighting and then marrying each other. No just kidding... of course it was a romantic comedy where you know every minute what´s gonna happen, and if not it´s because you stopped watching and had your mind on other stuff in your life (well not in my case because nothing else happens in my life...). Wow, are we positive today!

My little and only sister has her 12. Birthday today. Happy Birthday Viktória! Boldog szülinapot! (don´t be scared, it´s just Hungarian ; )

I´m so tired now. Had to wake up incredible early. At 09.00 am!!! Why did I have to? Ok, I didn´t really have to but I kind of set my alarm clock at 09.00 am... so it´s really my fault... but it was ment to, I wanted to go "shopping" in this worthless city centre. Of course I didn´t find anything, don´t even ask!!! The problem was not that I had too many dresses to choose from but I didn´t like any of them, no; the problem was that there was not even one shop that sold even one dress for nice occasions! Unless I wanted to dress like an 80-year old. No offense, but I´m not there yet... it´s just not my style!

Ok I better go packing and doing some stuff before I get really angry here writing all this sh***.


Days until my awful 25. birthday!
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