Crazy days

Friday (today) is a big day! 2 friends are coming to visit me, but I´ll leave with my team to a tournament - where? IN INNSBRUCK!!!

What else more? Check this out: my old team (Innsbruck) isn´t in Innsbruck. And why? Because they´re leaving to Croatia for the weekend!!! We´ll just pass each other without meeting...

Yeah that´s just typical... well I guess I have to be satisfied with last weekend when we met quite a lot, and the other great news: my good Swedish friends (who I was supposed to play in one team with) Anna and Matilda are visiting me!!! - and of course the Oktoberfest...

At least on sunday I plan to come back from the tournament (even if not on Austrian Autobahn because we won´t buy Vignette), get home and get ready for OKTOBERFESCHT!!! If my plans are as perfect as they always are, I might get my friend(s) from Innsbruck here too, at least Martina. Hopefully they get back from Croatia at a human time!

Then I have to say: friday is not the only big day; sunday´s even bigger!!!

Not to talk about the saturday when I might get to meet Dessi again : )))

We´ll see how everything goes... first of all I have to concentrate on our games at the tournament!


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