Harder, better, faster, stronger

The title isn´t only the title of a song from Daft Punk (which I like a lot). It is also a symbol for my life this season.

HARDER I had to get A LOT harder this season, because a lot of things were very hard to get through. A lot of things!

BETTER I hope things are getting better in the future. I am the kind of person who always believes that things are getting better... sometimes I wonder why? It´s just like that, and I am glad I have this character!

FASTER Well, to be honest, I wish time would go by faster. Much faster! Especially the Easter Holiday. Everyone is going home to meet family and friends. I am stuck here alone, without knowing anybody! How sad... 2,5 days just sitting in my room, waiting for the time to go by... or I can do stuff, yes, but how much fun is that doing it alone? I can tell you: not a lot of fun!

STRONGER This word is the best of all the words. My favourite! Because it symbolises everything I am after this season. I am much-much stronger, standing out all the stuff I have to go through!

Now that I explained all the words, I think I´d just better go back to the Kanye West version of the song from Daft Punk at last... because the lyrics has a really matching part which describes my season perfectly:

"That don´t kill me, can only make me stronger".


Postet by: Martina

sehr philosophischer eintrag! das alles ist eine erfahrung die dich wachsen lässt! zieh für dich wichtige schlüsse daraus und versuchs nächstes mal besser zu machen bzw nicht so kommen zu lassen! irgendwann kommt die zeit dann wirst du daran zurück denken und darüber lachen! sowas bringt einen immer weiter!! und dich kann sowieso nichts runtermachen!! hug

2009-04-09 @ 13:38:53

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